In fight with "orange crust" will help the usual field herbs. Phytotherapy helps us from many ill, will help she us and at fight with cellulite.
Anti cellulite action render the baths with vegetable extract.
For this necessary to take 300г mixture from rubbed in equal proportion: field horsetail, lavender, rosemary, sage, marjoram, duschitsa, ivy. The Got mixture lower in bath with warm water (37-39 degrees). The Bath take around 15 minutes. The Procedure is recommended conducts not more than 2-h once at week.
To word to say, field horsetail - a present brining salvation circle in fight against cellulite. In composition of the field horsetail is kept 10% silicon acid, which plays the leadinging role in building collagen filament. The Extract of this plant is broadly used in facility against cellulite, due to high contents potassium. The Field horsetail capable to act upon shaping the fatty postponing, successfully slowing formation cellulite and spare volume on waistlines and hip.
The Bath with olive and orange mask against cellulite: divorce in olive butter; grease several drops of the orange butter and all that empty into the bath. Gradually cellulite will decrease. In process of the receiving the bath skin will tingle and this well.
The Home coffee mask for body from cellulite and fatty postponing: in coffee lees to add the blue clay and little water, better mineral. Massaging, inflict on mildly humid skin. Caffeine promotes disinteration of fat, but clay "extends" excess to liquids from subdermal fabrics Public facilities against cellulite.
The Essential oils from cellulite: take the essential oils - a grapefruit - 10 drops; the geranium - 8 drops; the bergamot - 10 drops; cinnamon - 3 dripped; the nutmeg - 5 drops. Inflict composition on problem-solving area and rub strong eager motion
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