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Tue Aug 05, 2008 6: 25 pm Post subject: Broccoli??
How many carbs are in 1 cup of cooked broccoli??
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Tue Aug 05, 2008 7: 20 pm Post subject:
Here ' s a good resource for carb counts:
http: / / www. carb - counter. org / veg / search / Broccoli / 1100
There are about 3 carbs in a cup of cooked broccoli.
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Tue Aug 05, 2008 7: 51 pm Post subject:
Thanx for that link [ / icon_biggrin. gif]
I was wondering how you got 3 since I seen 7 carbs but then seen you minus 3, BUT what does ECC mean??
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Wed Aug 06, 2008 12: 17 am Post subject:
I think ECC stands for effective carbohydrate count. Atkins calls it " net carbs ". It ' s the total carb minus the fiber carbs.
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Tie Aug 06, 2008 7: 00 pm Post subject:
? in my dr. atkins little carb counter book it says 1 / 2 c. is 2. 2 and 1 cup would then be 4. 4?
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Adhere Aug 06, 2008 11: 35 pm Post subject:
Here is what the Atkins website has for carb counts on broccoli:
Broccoli boiled ½ cup 1. 6 ( 3. 2 per cup )
Broccoli raw ½ cup 1. 0 ( 2. 0 per cup )
My DANDR book says 1. 7 for 1 / 2 cup ( 3. 4 per cup ) but it doesn ' t say raw or cooked.
My Atkins Eating For Life book says 0. 8 for 1 / 2 cup of raw flowerets ( 1. 6 per cup ) and 2. 2 for 1 / 2 cup ( 4. 4 per cup ) of frozen chopped and then steamed broccoli.
Take your pick! LOL
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Thu Aug 07, 2008 2: 44 am Post subject:
ah! so many to choose from.. can i be selfish and pick the one w / the lowest carb count ha ha.. i always eat mine steamed, which do you think would be the most appropriate choice of carb count. i typically use the 2. 2 / half cup or 4. 4 / cup and have been doing alright but i would LOVE to eat MORE broccoli [ / icon_surprised. gif] ) i probably could afford to to definitely get up to the 12 - 15 veggie carbs a day. broccoli is seem as a salad veggie correct?
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Thu Aug 07, 2008 10: 51 am Post subject:
I think it ' s on the " other veggie " list, but that doesn ' t really matter in the newest version of Atkins ( the website info ). They say, just stay within the 12 to 15 carbs from veggies per day in Induction. If you want it to all come from broccoli, you can.
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Fri Aug 08, 2008 2: 17 am Post subject:
YAY! THat made my day lol. i LOVE broccoli. the other two times i did atkins i used to eat so many salads. not really realizing that they didn ' t do that much for me.. but broccoli, asparagus, green beans.. mmm so much better! What i love about atkins is it opens up my eyes to so many options with all the foods that i love <3
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