Health advice on swollen glands
what other infections or diseases of any sort could subsume sore throat symptoms or swollen glands?( 13 Spoil 2005 ) Natural herbs, herbal remedies, herbal medicine, medicinal herbs, and herbal supplements for more valuable health and healing.
cure swollen glands answered by j s on 1 Apr 2005, 11: 44: 34 The infections or diseases that could consist of sore throat symptoms or swollen glands are: 1 ) A common cold can cause mild sore throat 2 ) Amoebic Meningoencephalitis – an infection of the brain and the membranes cover the brain ( meninges ) caused by an amoeba ( a microscopic one - celled framework ) shows sore throat as a symptom.3 ) Acute glandular fever – an infection caused by EBV virus or the Epstein Barr Virus virus shows symptoms of sore throat and swollen glands. It is also called Infectious Mononucleosis or the Kissing Disease.
4 ) Epiglottitis – infection in which crackerjack is swelling of part of the throat which may production in obstruction in breathing. Epiglottitis may transpire in Haemophilus influenzae type b ( or Hib ). One symptom of epiglottitis is sore throat and also difficulty in breathing and swallowing.5 ) Influenza – infection of the nose, throat and lungs caused by influenza virus shows sore throat as a symptom.
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6 ) Measles – during early infection, sore throat is noticed.7 ) Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infection – Harsh sore throat, sore chest and sore trachea ( the substantial airway between the mouth and lungs ) are some symptoms experimental.
8 ) Psittacosis – lung infection caused bacteria carried by neglected and pet birds. Sore throat and swollen lymph glands are symptoms observed, besides many other symptoms.9 ) Q Fever – sore throat is one symptom empirical 10 ) SARS ( Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ) – is a respiratory illness caused by the SARS - CoV virus. Sore throat is a noted symptom.
11 ) Streptococcal sore throat – is a bacterial infection of the throat and tonsils. Symptoms include sore throat and juicy, swollen glands in the neck.12 ) Pharyngitis - an inflammation of the pharynx that frequently results in a sore throat. It may be caused by a variety of microorganisms.
12 ) Rubella or German Measles – One symptom is swollen glands especially at the back of the neck.13 ) Toxoplasmosis – Common infection caused by a parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. Swollen glands can occur as a symptom
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