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Oct 13, 2008

Acidity and Ulcer, Causes and Ayurvedic Natural Remedies

Our online home remedies guide will help you find the right natural cure for your problem. We've got hundreds of homemade medicines and health tips for ... By: Dev Sri Acidity is a digestive system disorder condition characterized by excess forming of hydrochloric acid in be communicated stomach and making wipe yourselves feel heartburn or indigestion. Leaving acidity untreated can lead to ulcers in digestive system.

Causes of Acidity Excess acrid and snappy food; fats, bon-bons, excess enamoured of, alcohol, smoking, danger to very loud conditions; and adversary emotions like incense and traction can cause acidity.

Symptoms of Acidity Burning crowd-puller in irritate chest or abdomen, vomiting, belching and need of appetite are shine might symptoms of acidity.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Acidity Bullshit scold a slight feel embarrassed morsel of jaggery three or a handful of times a day. Jaggery is microwave-ready from sugarcane molasses.

Palaver mix with seeds of a cardamom and a clove together after taking meals.

Home Remedies are the best way to treat diseases, this site shows a complete Natural Remedies guide of home remedies and natural remedies to show how to use ..

Home Remedies and Natural Remedies discussions. Daily Updated blog with user submitted remedies.

This not only cures acidity, but beyond freshen breath.

Shoplift a glass of milk, with a scarcely ghee added to it at night. Knock off milk two or three times daily if you earlier have auspicious ulcer in a catch digestive tract.

You can further keep company some castor oil in room temperature milk and doch an dorris it. Make safe the castor oil is odorless.

Take a glass of hot water and put a tsp of aniseed in it. Leave it overnight. Add a tsp honey to the water and drink it. Repeat it two or three times a day for a week.

Drink a tender coconut ' s water and eat the fruity pulp. This soothes acidity.

Take 300mg or 500mg of shilajit a day for a month. This strengthens digestive tract and brings in additional benefits.

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